Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentines 2016

I almost wrote 2015 so clearly the new year is setting in nicely.

Consider this a mini post about our Valentines this year, 'cause that's what it is.

Normally, I've cared nothing for V day but this year was just different. Maybe it was the fact that John and I actually went out and did something? Maybe it was a full, beautiful day and feeling extra grateful? Not sure but it was all good none the less!

Sunday morning we made it to Sunday school well Ellie did (which she loves!) and John and I lost "our" class until we found them in the very coffee shop we went into to let some time go before the sermon. We didn't want to intrude because we were extra late at that point so sat there talking (with only me drinking coffee of course) until it was time to go to the sermon or "preachin'" if you're from Murfreesboro. The sermon was wonderful. Pastor Jonathon gave a sermon about Lent, duh, and it was just darn good. He put a new perspective on what to give up and why. Then he mentioned giving up undesirable characteristic even and Wow, what a thought. Anyway it was...good. Have I said it enough?

After church we ate lunch and Ellie napped. John and I got ready for our first Valentines out since.....drum roll please....2010! We both have always been doing homework, working late or whatever else and have never been together that day and night. Granted we've both professed our indifferent towards this awkward holiday but it was different this time. I got spiked high heels on, aka dinner shoes, and we dropped Ellie off at her grandparents house.
Like Minnie Mouse, like Ellie

We went to an early dinner at my most favorite sushi pub and had an excellent meal...they never disappoint. We bounced out of there to head to a 7 00 movie for our biannual movie trip LOL. I changed into my Minnetonka boots aka movie shoes-I'm tired of trying not to die every time I take a step- and in we went to see Star Wars. I know, I know we are the last ones on the planet to see it but it was the right choice. I've never seen the first star wars movie and I was able to follow. After that we picked up our love child and headed home.

The only picture I managed to take was, well.. This! Lol. John's favorite activity is photo bombing his own pictures. 

I think we all really felt the love on this Valentines, it was just special. Have I said that enough? Anyways here's to a bar being set! and to a husband and daughter who make everyday special.

On a different, random are some snaps of Valentines around our home...some of which will be coming down today ;)

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