Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ellie is 2!

The Whenever people reminisce about children's birthdays, it always seems to include some sentiment about "where has the time gone?" Well maybe I'm naïve and haven't been parenting long enough but I feel like it has indeed been 2 years and 2 of the best years ever. Ellie hitting the 2 year mark has made me look at her a little differently though. She does seem slightly older, more mature and toddler like. She speaks in full sentences and has a good sense of humor. She loves dancing, cartoons, eating snacks and playing in her new "toy room". On the other hand, she looks still so much like a baby. She is very petite (1% for weight? and 7% for height I believe) and has those little babyish chubby cheeks.

For Ellie's birthday this we ended up celebrated twice it decision ever. Seriously! We got to have a little intimate celebration on the night of her birthday (feb. 23rd) with her grandparents, aunt and uncle on her dad's side and then over the weekend had a big party/family reunion with all of my family! It was just beautiful that this little girl's birthday could bring us all together for a wonderful weekend.

Here are some photos of her birthday at home...

We had dinner together (Cheeseburgers sliders, salad, fruit, chips and salsa) and Thomas the Train cupcakes for dessert. Ellie loved every moment of it...esp opening her presents ;)


This is obviously a really dark picture but it's supposed to be Thomas the Train cupcakes with kit kat "tracks"-you guessed it #pintrest. Ellie liked it but clearly no cake decorator am I. 





Then over the weekend we went to NC to be able to see everyone there for the party. I planned a Minnie Mouse party and when I told Ellie about it, she talked about it for weeks leading up to it. All answers to questions were..."Minnie Mouse Party!!" We decided to do this (have it in NC) because there is no way all of my family could come to SC and of course we want to include everyone. My parents stepped up to plate of being gracious hosts, chef and partial party planners to make it all happen. Did I mention they are the best? Along with all of my family who made the effort to come! Some from way out of state! We are counting our blessings for them all. Thank you, thank you everyone (esp mom and dad) for making this little girl feel extra special and for making my heart explode with gratitude.



Photo creds to Ashley!

And these two... Cracking us up the whole weekend! 

And I'm absolutely kicking myself for not taking pictures during her actual birthday party... I was distracted I suppose but! Thankfully Ashley has taken some good ones to share!

With that said...Happy Birthday sweet baby Ellie!

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