Tuesday, May 3, 2016

2 Months, 1 Post

Helloooo everyone! Is there still anyone out there after that vacation from blogging? I hope so, and please forgive. I've just been distracted lately. Not in a bad way but just had my mind on other things when I am at home.

Hope everyone is doing well and is enjoying this entry month into the summer. We all know May is the gateway month. But in some weird way I'm looking forward to the fall. Don't get me wrong, we have fun things planned and good gracious I can't wait for the beach but on a side note this "new house", as Ellie still calls it, has trees and green life galore and while beautiful it can mean bug city outdoors and unfortunately indoors at times. Don't worry, we are keeping it under control. But still. I HATE bugs. Love the house, hate the pests. Anyway, I though the best way to play catch up is just to have a March and April in review. Some pictures, some captions and then hopefully I'll get back on a figurative track.

First up, March.

March was interesting with Easter, family things but not so interesting with poor Ellie and myself feeling under weather for most of it. For 2 different reasons, but for Ellie it just seemed like she kept a cold the whole month which is pretty unusual for her.

At the beginning of the moth we went to see another play with the South Carolina Children's theatre "2nd stage" production of "Llama, Llama". It was really cute and Ellie liked it. She didn't feel the same way about posing for a picture afterwards...

John turned zee big 3-0! Ha! Old man now just like his old woman ; ) We had a laid back celebration with BBQ dinner at this parents house with my sister in law and her FiancĂ©. 

Ellie looked just as cute as ever. On many occasions. But on the same note, 2 is kicking my butt some days. Here's hoping 3 isn't quite so up and down...

Easter! I never realize how special Easter is until the time as comes around again. It's very refreshing and humbling. The Sunday before Easter we had our church egg hunt and I got someone to switch shifts with me at work so I could go! It was interesting to watch Ellie. At first she was smiling on the steps at us, then crying, then enjoying finding eggs. She gets a little overwhelmed easily these days and I think being in the kid mosh pit on the steps with her Sunday school class got to her after a little while.

On Easter Sunday, we carried on the tradition of lunch at Jo-Jos followed by the big egg hunt where kids of all ages participate. Including adults. It's always entertaining. Good to see the next generation learning the rules...or lack of at this game. There was a bunny there which belonged to John's cousin and it was so sweet. Ellie loved it too of course!

We got a new ride...with more space for us all ;) Not going to lie, it was hard to see the truck go but we had fun with it and good memories. It also sold really quickly and stayed local to a good family lol. Is this an animal or truck I'm talking about? but seriously.

I went to Raleigh for a girls 24 hour long trip (it was Easter weekend, we wanted to be with our families too) to see my best friends! We hadn't gotten together in over a YEAR but we made it and had the BEST time.

And next up, April.

April was about a little park trip which earned Ellie her first splinter. All the sad faced emojis on that one. John took it out like a champ.


(After-holding a jelly bean for doing a good job :(

During the second weekend in April we took our 3rd annual trip to Dollywood for John's company day. I think it was the best yet. It was just the 3 of us for the first time (normally there are 7 of us) but we had a blast. It was quite cold but walked and walked, Ellie finally rode the duck ride!!! and we ate that good ole park food. We decided to make it a weekend and stayed at the resort beside the park and it was the best. We hope to go back this summer. It be worth it just to use the pool and eat the food there again! On Sunday we stopped at Ripley's aquarium where saw a sawfish, penguins, sea turtles, sea dragons and a spotted eel which literally scared Ellie into a screaming fit. It was so funny though. That eel was extremely frightening anyway and I don't think she expected it. The whole weekend just has had us on cloud 9. That good.

We had a wonderful visit from my parents towards the end of the month. We worked in the yard, ate sushi in TR, played at the playground, backed a cake and enjoyed one another. Ellie was giggling and smiling the whole time.

(#fail at getting a group picture) 

The rest of April was more house work, rest and playing outside. We are so glad May is here and look forward to a special trip at the end of the month! We will be checking back in soon. Have a great rest of the week!

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