Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Summer in Review

Ahem, Ahem. Check, Check. Anyone still out there?


Good enough!

How was the summer?? Good. Good. Isn't it odd it already feels like summer was a while ago. I blame that on retail pushing fall since July.

Anyway, we had a nice summer. It went by pretty quickly and for the most part I was just trying to keep up with my new work schedule (went from 2 12 hr shifts a week to 5 days a week, 8 hr days). I LOVE my new job in surgery recovery at my new hospital but this erry day of the week business is hard with little children. I feel sometimes like its just go go go. No matter, I'll be going back to part time in January, 3 days a week. Phew I look forward to that. But we had a nice summer of course and just loved our first summer with Evie! Ah she is such a wonderful baby and addition to the family. She is just kinda going through a screaming phase at meal times. It will pass. I think. I hope.

Since we were MIA from this space over the summer... here is like a real quick recap to retell the story of summer 17'.

As tradition, we will start with Evie's growth!... at  7, 8, 9 and 10 months!!! Yes, I forgot her "sign" 9 month picture.


 She eats so much table food, has tried formula (and likes!), still nurses and crawls to explore everything!! She is trying to pull up. She is such a little joy and light.

Ellie started 3K in June 3 days a week and so far so good.


In June we went to see Thomas the Train again, Ellie "ran" her first fun run (momma carried her most of the way), and celebrated family birthdays.

In July we had a visit from my best friends and traveled to NC for a very special baby shower!

August began with a very sweet wedding for John's cousin in Columbia before we headed to Edisto Beach. We also went to one of the hottest baseball games of the season ; ) In my opinion...

 They favor so much here. ALL the heart eyes.
There were more good times of little pool splashing the yard, water park visits and the like of good ole summer time fun! I look forward to next summer too where hopefully the girls will be able to play together more (Ellie will be 4 and Evie around 18 months!)
September it is hard to believe has already come and gone. We went to the NC Apple fest where Ellie loved the little rides and we celebrated my 32nd birthday.

This was a super abbreviated version of a review but you know, it's 10:30 PM and I got to be up at 5...
We (John and I) are looking to a quick get away to London next week (eeek! nerves and excitement!) so hopefully we will have a recap up at the end of the month. Until then!

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